26 September 2008


IPOH: Perak became the first state to form the "Free Teresa Kok" caucus aimed at seeking a solution for the immediate and unconditional release of the Selangor state executive councillor and Seputeh MP from ISA.

Perak Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin said the decision to form the caucus was in line with the parliamentary caucus announced on Wednesday.

He said that at state level, an organisational chart comprising chairman, deputy chairman and state assemblymen from the DAP, Pas and Keadilan would be drawn up.

He told reporters this after meeting DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang here on Sept 18.

Also present were senior exco member Datuk Ngeh Koo Ham and state executive councillor Chen Fook Chye.

Pakatan Rakyat MPs formed the caucus which is jointly chaired by Lim, PKR vice-president and Gombak MP Azmin Ali and Pas secretary general and Tumpat MP Datuk Kamaruddin Jaafar.

Meanwhile, Lim said the caucus must be expanded to all states in the country to support the cause and show a common intention for the abolishment of the ISA and release of all ISA detainees.

1 ulasan:

  1. Apa karut nak set up Free Teresa Kok caucus. YB teresa dah bebas, siap kutuk lagi makanan dalam lokap macam makanan anjing (telur rebus, timun dan nasi..adalah makanan mewah bagi golongan miskin). Apa perlunya caucus utk Teresa rasa hina makan "makanan anjing"., sepatutnya di 'caucus'kan pembebasan tahanan ISA yang dah merengkok bertahun-tahun di KemTa. Itu sepatutnya jd keutamaan bukan Teresa!!! Buang karen jer!!
