06 Mac 2009

Black n White

Email :ANNUR

TWINS Ryan and Leo Gerth share a mum and dad - but not the same colour skin. Born to a Ghanaian mother and a German father, Ryan is white and Leo is black. Experts say pairs of black and white twins are so rare they only occur in one in a MILLION births.

Senior doctor Birgit Weber, who helped deliver the tots by caesarean section in Berlin , said that in 20 years of practice this was the first time she had seen different coloured twins.

2 ulasan:

  1. salam.. xder ulasan la YB. x menarik sgt cerita ni.. x panas... hehehe.. tp kira ok la jugak kan YB. berita pun kena ada iklan jugak kan. baru slow skit hati yg panas membara ni.


  2. bg sy..semua ni ciptaan ALLAH "KUn FAYAKUN..NK JADI JADILAH SEHARUSSNYA APER YG MUSTAHIL TU PTANDA bt kita dunia ni dh tua..xgitu YB
