21 Julai 2009

Berita Harian & Mingguan Malaysia play up RACE over Teoh's death

Email Oleh : Yong SF
Din Merican: the Malaysian DJ Blogger
…In life we need to be a little like the farmer, who puts back into the soil what he takes out.—Paul Newman

The Malaysian Insider
July 19, 2009
UMNO-controlled Berita Harian and Mingguan Malaysia slam MACC critics

UMNO-controlled newspapers, Berita Harian and Mingguan Malaysia, today slammed critics for demonising the country’s graft-busters over Teoh Beng Hock’s death, with one suggesting there is an agenda to weaken Malay-controlled institutions.

Both newspapers accused the opposition of politicising the political secretary’s death on July 16, with Mingguan saying the federal opposition Pakatan Rakyat (PR) was using the incident to divert attention away from internal problems and weaknesses.

But Berita Harian suggested the agenda was to weaken Malay-controlled institutions in the article, “Kematian Teoh timbulkan pelbagai spekulasi politik”, written by the New Straits Times group managing editor Zainul Ariffin Isa.

He wrote that political opportunism can turn grief into political capital, and death can be made a catalyst to stoke anger and racial sentiments. “It is not just the Chinese or supporters of the Pakatan Rakyat who know anger and seek justice.Suspicions have been raised especially among the non-Malays that MACC, which like other departments have many Malay officers, selectively chose non-Malays to be investigated,” he wrote.

The new boss of the UMNO-owned New Straits Times Group did not, however, address complaints raised by two DAP men who were also, like Teoh, brought in for questioning. The two DAP men, one a Chinese and the other a mixed Malay-Chinese, claimed racial insults were hurled at them by the MACC officers.

Like Teoh, both men were not suspects, but “witnesses,” according to MACC officers. So far, leaders of the PR alliance, led by Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, have not referred to race in their statements demanding the MACC be held responsible for Teoh’s death.

Zainul appeared to suggest that Teoh’s death was an accident and that the MACC officer involved was Malay when he wrote in Berita Harian that “when a victim of an accident was non-Malay, who was previously investigated by a Malay, the speculation is great.” By suggesting anti-Malay sentiment in Teoh’s death, he also appeared to suggest that government departments were Malay-based institutions rather than a non-partisan civil service. “Why did the Selangor MB, a Malay, question those of his own race to act fairly?” Zainul wrote.

Mingguan Malaysia, which is also owned by UMNO also attacked the PR alliance for politicising the death. The newspaper said the controversy could not be resolved through demonstrations or wild accusations. Mingguan suggested instead that the opposition was using Teoh’s death to distract attention from its own problems.

2 ulasan:

  1. Nampak betul Zainul ni otak nya kecil seperti otak burung unta, salahkah jika MB Selangor mahukan ketelusan dan keadilan. Adakah patut jika seorang MB itu hanya mementingkan orang yang sebangsa dengan nya? Baca lah semula tulisan mu sendiri wahai Zainul, tentu kau akan melihat betapa sempitnya pemikiran mu.

  2. Adakah kalau mangsanya MELAYU, baru layak dilayan dengan adil. Tapi kalau BUKAN MELAYU, boleh dilayan macam anjing. Ini macam pemikiran YAHUDI yang melayan bangsa lain macam anjing.
