21 Oktober 2009

Belanjawan 2010 : CUEPACS harap bonus dua bulan

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from : alkerohi by AFRAR YUNUS

Cuepacs: We seek 2 months' bonus for civil servants

(Dari NST 16.10.2009)

KUALA LUMPUR: Cuepacs is asking the government to give two months’ bonus this year to the 1.2 million civil servants in the country.

Cuepacs president Omar Osman said the two-month quantum was endorsed at the union’s three-hour special congress meeting held today.

He said they were looking forward to good news to be announced in the 2010 Budget next week.

Speaking to reporters at the Hari Raya celebrations attended by the Chief Secretary to the Government Tan Sri Mohd Hassan Sidek today, Omar said Cuepacs had already sent the request in a letter to the prime minister in July.
The government had paid a one-month bonus to civil servants in 2007.

On the government's decision to implement a time-based promotion for the 300,000 support group in the civil service, he regretted that it was not yet implemented.

“Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak had announced the scheme in July,” he pointed out.

Under this exercise, those with 15 years or more of service and were stuck on the maximum salary scale for years were eligible to be promoted beginning that month.

Omar said the delay was apparently due to those affected having their staff records being checked and verified.

“We are requesting that the evaluation be speeded up as some 200,000 workers are affected,” he said.

3 ulasan:

  1. salam yb,

    pertama sekali, saya juga berharap kerajaan dapat memberikan bonus sekurang2nya sebulan gaji kepada kakitangan kerajaan. Ini kerana bonus adalah wajar memandangkan kita bergaji bulanan.

    Di Eropah dan US, gaji dibayar secara mingguan yang menjadikan bayaran sebanyak 52kali. jika 52 dibahagi dengan 4 (sebulan 4 minggu), maka mereka di eropah akan dapat 13 bulan gaji.

    Untuk penjelasan lebih lanjut, sila refer
    di sini

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    kepada follower blog cina islam, singgah2 la blog edyesdotcom dan jadilah juga follower di sana... tak rugi yob...

  2. bonus wajar diberikan atless 1 month sebab negara boleh memiliki F1

  3. ya..bagi la bonus.. nak pulak mcm kami ni isteri2 yg x bekerja.. mcmana nk tanggung keperluan semuanya dgn gaji suami yg x seberapa...
