20 Januari 2010

UNICEF needs RM 410 million to help children in Haiti

04 Safar 1431H

KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 18: The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has launched a “2010 Haiti Earthquake Children’s Appeal” in Malaysia to support its global appeal for RM 410 million (US$ 120 million).

Funds raised will be used to help children and families who survived the devastating earthquake that rocked Haiti on 12 January.

UNICEF’s request is part of a United Nations appeal for RM 1.9 billion (US$ 562 million), launched last Friday, to facilitate humanitarian operations for the next six months in one of the poorest countries on earth.

Haiti ranks 148 out of 179 countries on UNDP’s Human Development Index.

It has a long history of being struck by one natural disaster after another, and is struggling to recover from years of violence, insecurity and instability.

Given that nearly 50 per cent of Haiti's 10 million population is under the age of 18, UNICEF has a particularly critical role to play.

Focus in the days and weeks ahead are to prevent a second wave of disaster by ensuring against any outbreak of diarrheal infections and life threatening diseases.

In this case, water saves lives.

Besides supplies that were already in the country, UNICEF is organising aid from its pre-positioned regional stocks in Panama.

Additional shipments are being dispatched from the agency's central warehouse in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Over the weekend, a plane loaded with UNICEF emergency relief supplies arrived in Port-au-Prince carrying urgently needed water and sanitation supplies.

Experts in water and sanitation were also on the flight.

An earlier UNICEF shipment included water tanks, water purification tablets and rehydration salts.

In addition, UNICEF and its partners are intensifying emergency operations to protect the safety of children at risk.

One critical concern involves children who have become separated from their families and may find themselves without shelter, food, water or other basic necessities and at risk of violence and exploitation.

Those who wish to make donations to the Appeal in Ringgit Malaysia can do so through

1) credit card via UNICEF’s secure online donation site;

2) crossed cheque; and

3) Bank transfer (Maybank Account No. 514329427587).

For more information, please call UNICEF at (6.03) 2095 9154 or visit http://www.unicef.org/malaysia


1 ulasan:

  1. david ahmad muniandy1/20/2010 6:33 PG

    malaysia harus mengeluarkan dana untuk menolongnya sebab yang paling utama nama malaysia belum cukup terkenal lagi dan kalau boleh tolong abaikan rakyat malaysia.
