17 Mac 2011

Open letter from Kampung Senadin residents

12 Rabiulakhir 1432H. [MOD] -

Below is the attachment of conditions laid out By YB Lee KHim sin
during the meeting as posted by anonymous, our Kampong appointed

Subject: RE: Extension of Kampung Senadin

Dear All,

Followed-up to meeting between Ketua Kaum Hj Hamdani, AJKK Kpg Senadin
and representative from Kpg Sealine with Penguasa Tanah & Survei and
YB Datuk Lee Kim Shin last Friday,
YB Lee has indicated that we have 2 options :

1) Don’t issue the land titles and basic infrastructure given ( such
as roads, drainage, electricity and water ) until all land matters is
settled ( i.e 180 owners has agreed to demolish their house and move
to a new allocated lot to facilitate the building of roads and
drainage or they are willing not to share the same lot and reallocated
to another lot – for those land with 2 to 8 owners );
- To agree they must go to Land Survey office,Miri and signed-off the
agreement form.

Note : The government will not compensate for the cost of
demolish/moving or building a new house as they have already allocate
us land.

2) Issue the land titles and basic infrastructure given ( such as
roads, drainage, electricity and water ) eventhough all land matters
is not settled ( i.e 180 owners has agreed to demolish their house and
move to a new allocated lot to facilitate the building of roads and
drainage or they are willing not to share the same lot and reallocated
to another lot – for those land with 2 to 8 owners );
- To agree they must go to Land Survey office and signed-off the agreement form.

Note : Those who disagree will not get land titles and may not enjoy
basic infrastructure given ( such as roads, drainage, electricity and
water ).

We have agree to option 1 as it would not be fair to 280 land owners
who agree to the Land Survey proposal so that they will get their land
titles and enjoy the basic infrastructure given ( such as roads,
drainage, electricity and water ) in the near future.

The “surat tawaran” by land survey department will be processed within
2 weeks time for the 280 land owners and probably handed-over by Tan
Sri Dr George Chan at Kpg Senadin Balai Raya.

Upon receiving the “surat tawaran” , the land owners is to reply
whether they are willing to accept the offer of land titles.

We have asked also Land & Survey to “turun padang” for an engagement
session to explain to the people on the details.

Things for you to ponder / consider and be prepared mentally :

For those people who use to plant padi in Kpg Sealine and your land
after survey is 4 to 8 lots, just like my mother land/sawah padi,
during the survey in 2008 where

you are only given 1 L/S or lot number, you may only entitle to that
plot only, i.e where your house reside. The other lots maybe allocated
to those people who are affected
( i.e 180 land owners).

This is current assumptions as we are not sure whether the names (
family members name) given to land survey officer ( in 2008/2009) is
accepted to be allocated the remaining lots, as Land Survey said it is
government land, they have the right who to allocate the land.

Note : The land survey department has not given the list of 280 ( to
be issued land titles ) and 180 ( agreement letter to move not yet
sign) people, thus we do not know all these people.

My advise for those whose house is where the road is located and those
land with 2 or 8 owners, please go to land survey to sign-off so that
you get allocated lots.
In addition to this, ensure you have save money to build a new house

Hoped that this is self-explanatory.

From Pas Miri

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