31 Ogos 2011

Satelit "Change II" Dilancarkan dengan Jayanya

2 Syawal 1432H. [MOD] -

Satelit "Chang'e II" telah memasuki orbit bumi-matahari sekitar titik Lagrangian L2, kira-kira 1.5 juta kilometer dari permukaan bulan. China merupakan negara ketiga memasuki titik tersebut selepas Agensi Angkasa Eropah dan A.S.

Demikian dimaklumkan oleh Jabatan Industri Sains dan Teknologi Pertahanan Negara China. Satelit "Chang'e II" dilancarkan 6 bulan lalu untuk tujuan penyelidikan selama setahun.

Satelit "Chang'e II" berjaya memasuki permukaan bulan lagrangian L2 pada 8 hingga 9 Jun lalu dan mencapai sasarannya pada 20 Jun lalu.CRI/-

1 ulasan:

[ the 3RD PARTY ] berkata...

Yang Berhormat,
Good morning.

Recently I blog about the issue of [Justice For All Mobile User].

I heartedfully hope that our politicians will concern and fight against the darkside of billion profit company.
I hope that politicians and authority of our beloved country will do appropriate action to stop telco scam. This also strengthens public awareness.

My blog is a non profit association where I don't collect any penny from any sponsor.

My intention is to create awareness to the public, so new victims do not get caught.

My blog is here @