03 Safar 1431H
By : Nash Ar-Rawy
Umno has no right to talk about Islam because it’s a United Malay Nationalist Party ; whereas Islam is universal regardless of race and religion ( PAS for All ) .So, we could see the reason why Umno violated the Hudud Act and stopped Hadi Awang from proposing it in the parliament trice. Whereas, according to the teachings of Islam , Hudud Law is only meant for the muslims only and the non-muslims could opt for the present civil law .
This is ordained clearly in the Holy Qur’an : “ La ikro hafiddeen” ( There’s no compulsion in religion) meaning to the non-muslims only but for the muslims they are abide. Suddenly Umno is talking about the usage of the word Allah by the non –muslims in particularly used by the Christians.
Thus, being a nationalist Malay party , Umno is using religion to wow the Muslims votes in the next coming 13th GE . as being truly ‘Islamic’ as a champion of Islam even though it has forgo the Hudud Law.
In Umno’s by law , Malay race, Malay sultanates and Islam is only a tool for umno to achieve it’s Malay Nationalism plight . Islam is only an instrument as what they are doing now in manipulating the issue of Allah used by our Christian brothers.
In Islam human beings are all blood brothers as we are all the siblings of Adam and Even and it’s proven in our naked –eye in the process of blood transfusion. This beautiful world creation of God is meant for everybody regardless of race , ethnic and religion.
Nowadays, religious extremism and racist are not accepted anymore by Malaysian as a multi-racial country . What the masses want is justice , transparency , and ‘rakyat minded’policies being done by the ruling party not corporate minded policies for the rich and turn this nation into a Corporate State . The masses are checking out facts and figures given by Mahathir that during Badawi’s reign money spent wastefully the some of RM 270 Billions. Whereas, Barry Wain said in his book Mahathir himself has over-spent the people’s money the some of RM 100 Billions in the minimum , may be more.
Total up together, where goes so much of the ‘Rakyat Money” amounted both of them the sum of RM 370 Billions. Take for example Daya Bumi building bail-out by petronas and Bank Bumiputra now CIMB and also Perjawa Steel being trice bail-out . Twin tower in KL a waste and Formula one Sepang maintainance alone costs RM One Million a day being paid by “Rakyat Money”.i.e RM365 Millions per year.
These are the things forcussed and interested by the Rakyat. The masses are also watching the law of the rulers manipulating the rule of law. ISA injustice; judgement without trial being the style of UBN as the ruling party to maintain and sustain its rule. Perak ‘s pirate government abuse of law and order in the State Assembly overthrown the Menteri Besar and the speaker in a very manipulative political power greed of UBN; without the vote of non –confident against the MB in the State Assembly; which complies all the parliamentary and democratic procedures throughout the world.
What is the speaker as the chief of our nation’s highest law makers institution or Legislative in the parliament or state level i.e. The State Assembly.
But the speaker could easily be thrown out off the ‘Dewan” by the police abetment creating chaos in the ‘Dewan” whereas in the “Dewan “ the speaker as the chief of our ‘Law Makers Institution” holds the highest post as in the parliament ; the speaker is above PM and his cabinet ministers , Lord President , Attorney General and the I.G.P. as well. Where is law and order in this country under UBN as the ruling party.
There’s no medicine to cure our nation’s syndromes and the chronic abuse of power in running the nation ; except for the masses to change the future of the nation and to save SATU MALYSIA from going down deteriorating i.e. through the ballot paper.
The masses have high hopes for a change and only the voters could do it . A new platform has been offered for the masses ie. PAKATAN RAKYAT which has been officially registered consisting of the ‘Rakyat’ parties for universal justice; mainly PAS DAP PKR using the symbol ‘Bunya Raya “ ( Hibiscus ).
In order to save our jurisdiction , legislative from being prolong manipulated by the devils in UBN ; the electorates must not be the victims of Umno playing the issues of racist and religious extremism which are not the true teachings of Islam . PAS has set a good example of Islamic and just government; non-racist and freedom of religion and worship giving the religious rights to the buddists erecting the tallest Buddha statue in the county . Siamese , Chinese , Indians live peacefully and harmony in the Malay predominantly state. Nik Aziz as the Menteri Besar and being a spiritual leader has set a good example of a universal non-racial leadership governance.
Like wise, Lim Guan Eng of DAP-PAKATAN , Azizan of PAS-PAKATAN and Ibrahim of PKR –PAKATAN are eye –witness of PAKATAN GOVERNMENT as the ruling party ; which means UBN could also be the opposition party in the country and the country could prosper even without UBN existence anyway.
There’s no way for UBN to correct the mal function of separation of power in the judiciary and legislative as shown in the Perak coup; due to the presence of so many devils in UBN destroying and deteriorating democracy with autocracy.
The only way to chase away the devils is only through the ballot-paper. The electorates has the power of the people to make it a reality of a just government by dethrone UBN with the ‘BUNGA RAYA’ to chase away all the “HANTU RAYAS” in UBN . In order to chain the devils ; SPRM, IGP, Lord President, Attorney General , SPR and Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara must be taken under the Parliament jurisdiction i.e the Yang Di Pertuan Agung and no more as subordinates of the ‘Chief Devil “ .
How could the devils talk about the good name of God ; when they ‘ve smeared and cursed the ‘Hudud Law’ when Islam only remains as their baits and a tool of Malay nationalism; that’s all . Even the Malay sultanates and Umnoputra have been taken into their agenda to fool the Malays as a whole . These are all the works of devils in Umno and on the other side collaborated with other devils in PKFZ with MCA, Gerakan etc. as a ‘ Strong Devil Team “ in UBN . To sustain their power ; they turned the nation into a ‘Corporate Police State”; where are the priority for the rakyat . “ Corporate is the priority and sucking the blood of the people being its achievements” prize of sugar gone up because devils never take sugar but they only take the blood of rakyat!. Dethrone the devil rule and start preparing from now on a ‘Bunga Raya ‘ rule i.e . PAKATAN RAKYAT to chase away and chain all the devils( ‘Hantu Rayas’)in UBN ! in the next coming 13th GE. by the grace of God .
By : Nash Ar-Rawy

This is ordained clearly in the Holy Qur’an : “ La ikro hafiddeen” ( There’s no compulsion in religion) meaning to the non-muslims only but for the muslims they are abide. Suddenly Umno is talking about the usage of the word Allah by the non –muslims in particularly used by the Christians.
Thus, being a nationalist Malay party , Umno is using religion to wow the Muslims votes in the next coming 13th GE . as being truly ‘Islamic’ as a champion of Islam even though it has forgo the Hudud Law.
In Umno’s by law , Malay race, Malay sultanates and Islam is only a tool for umno to achieve it’s Malay Nationalism plight . Islam is only an instrument as what they are doing now in manipulating the issue of Allah used by our Christian brothers.
In Islam human beings are all blood brothers as we are all the siblings of Adam and Even and it’s proven in our naked –eye in the process of blood transfusion. This beautiful world creation of God is meant for everybody regardless of race , ethnic and religion.
Nowadays, religious extremism and racist are not accepted anymore by Malaysian as a multi-racial country . What the masses want is justice , transparency , and ‘rakyat minded’policies being done by the ruling party not corporate minded policies for the rich and turn this nation into a Corporate State . The masses are checking out facts and figures given by Mahathir that during Badawi’s reign money spent wastefully the some of RM 270 Billions. Whereas, Barry Wain said in his book Mahathir himself has over-spent the people’s money the some of RM 100 Billions in the minimum , may be more.
Total up together, where goes so much of the ‘Rakyat Money” amounted both of them the sum of RM 370 Billions. Take for example Daya Bumi building bail-out by petronas and Bank Bumiputra now CIMB and also Perjawa Steel being trice bail-out . Twin tower in KL a waste and Formula one Sepang maintainance alone costs RM One Million a day being paid by “Rakyat Money”.i.e RM365 Millions per year.
These are the things forcussed and interested by the Rakyat. The masses are also watching the law of the rulers manipulating the rule of law. ISA injustice; judgement without trial being the style of UBN as the ruling party to maintain and sustain its rule. Perak ‘s pirate government abuse of law and order in the State Assembly overthrown the Menteri Besar and the speaker in a very manipulative political power greed of UBN; without the vote of non –confident against the MB in the State Assembly; which complies all the parliamentary and democratic procedures throughout the world.
What is the speaker as the chief of our nation’s highest law makers institution or Legislative in the parliament or state level i.e. The State Assembly.
But the speaker could easily be thrown out off the ‘Dewan” by the police abetment creating chaos in the ‘Dewan” whereas in the “Dewan “ the speaker as the chief of our ‘Law Makers Institution” holds the highest post as in the parliament ; the speaker is above PM and his cabinet ministers , Lord President , Attorney General and the I.G.P. as well. Where is law and order in this country under UBN as the ruling party.
There’s no medicine to cure our nation’s syndromes and the chronic abuse of power in running the nation ; except for the masses to change the future of the nation and to save SATU MALYSIA from going down deteriorating i.e. through the ballot paper.
The masses have high hopes for a change and only the voters could do it . A new platform has been offered for the masses ie. PAKATAN RAKYAT which has been officially registered consisting of the ‘Rakyat’ parties for universal justice; mainly PAS DAP PKR using the symbol ‘Bunya Raya “ ( Hibiscus ).
In order to save our jurisdiction , legislative from being prolong manipulated by the devils in UBN ; the electorates must not be the victims of Umno playing the issues of racist and religious extremism which are not the true teachings of Islam . PAS has set a good example of Islamic and just government; non-racist and freedom of religion and worship giving the religious rights to the buddists erecting the tallest Buddha statue in the county . Siamese , Chinese , Indians live peacefully and harmony in the Malay predominantly state. Nik Aziz as the Menteri Besar and being a spiritual leader has set a good example of a universal non-racial leadership governance.
Like wise, Lim Guan Eng of DAP-PAKATAN , Azizan of PAS-PAKATAN and Ibrahim of PKR –PAKATAN are eye –witness of PAKATAN GOVERNMENT as the ruling party ; which means UBN could also be the opposition party in the country and the country could prosper even without UBN existence anyway.
There’s no way for UBN to correct the mal function of separation of power in the judiciary and legislative as shown in the Perak coup; due to the presence of so many devils in UBN destroying and deteriorating democracy with autocracy.
The only way to chase away the devils is only through the ballot-paper. The electorates has the power of the people to make it a reality of a just government by dethrone UBN with the ‘BUNGA RAYA’ to chase away all the “HANTU RAYAS” in UBN . In order to chain the devils ; SPRM, IGP, Lord President, Attorney General , SPR and Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara must be taken under the Parliament jurisdiction i.e the Yang Di Pertuan Agung and no more as subordinates of the ‘Chief Devil “ .
How could the devils talk about the good name of God ; when they ‘ve smeared and cursed the ‘Hudud Law’ when Islam only remains as their baits and a tool of Malay nationalism; that’s all . Even the Malay sultanates and Umnoputra have been taken into their agenda to fool the Malays as a whole . These are all the works of devils in Umno and on the other side collaborated with other devils in PKFZ with MCA, Gerakan etc. as a ‘ Strong Devil Team “ in UBN . To sustain their power ; they turned the nation into a ‘Corporate Police State”; where are the priority for the rakyat . “ Corporate is the priority and sucking the blood of the people being its achievements” prize of sugar gone up because devils never take sugar but they only take the blood of rakyat!. Dethrone the devil rule and start preparing from now on a ‘Bunga Raya ‘ rule i.e . PAKATAN RAKYAT to chase away and chain all the devils( ‘Hantu Rayas’)in UBN ! in the next coming 13th GE. by the grace of God .
1 ulasan:
Wow! hebatnya PAS dan kerabat dalam PR. Kalau mereka memerentah Malaysia, tentu tak ada kroni dan tak ada rasuah. Mereka akan berbelanja dengan cara berhemah. Semua rakyat akan jadi kaya raya. Gula tak naik harga. Semua akan menuju ka syurga bersama.Tak gitu Tok Guru?
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